D’inverno, ma forse dovrei dire durante tutto l’anno, amo i colori neutri, anche quelli scuri come il nero, il bordeaux e certe tonalità di grigio. Quei colori, insomma, che secondo alcuni sono un po’ tetri. Per questo, di solito tendo ad abbinarli a contrasto, accostandoli a colori più chiari come il bianco, il panna, il tortora o alcuni beige.
In questo caso però avevo voglia di un look bello grintoso e ho scelto di abbinare il nero al bordeaux e al grigio, giocando con i materiali e le texture: eco pelle per i pantaloni e frange per la borsa, ma anche orecchini un po’ vistosi che riflettono la luce.
Cosa indosso:
Pantaloni, H&M, old
Stivaletti, Sam Edelman via Yoox, old, simili QUI
Borsa, Prada, old, simile QUI e QUI
Cappotto, Benetton, old, simile QUI E QUI
Dolcevita, QUI
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Stella dice
look comodo ed elegante-mi piace molto.
notime dice
Grazie Stella!
Jan Zac dice
Hello ,
I saw your tweets and thought I will check your website. Have to say it looks really nice!
I’m also interested in this topic + have recently started my journey as young entrepreneur.
I’m also looking for the ways on how to promote my website. I have tried AdSense and Facebok Ads, however it is getting very expensive. Was thinking about starting using analytics. Do you recommend it?
Can you recommend something what works best for you?
I also want to improve SEO of my website. Would appreciate, if you can have a quick look at my website and give me an advice what I should improve: https://janzac.com/
(Recently I have added a new page about Rockwall Investments and the way how normal people can make money with this company.)
I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Hope to hear from you soon.
Maybe I will add link to your website on my website and you will add link to my website on your website? It will improve SEO of our websites, right? What do you think?
Jan Zac
notime dice
Hi Jan, thank you for your comment . You have a great website! I’m certainly not a SEO expert, but in my limited promotion experience I’ve learned that Pinterest works quite well.