By now you know me: I have a little passion for designer handbags from brands such as Chanel, and over time I have collected some. But, above all, I have started to become more and more passionate about luxury handbags, designed by famous designers. Items that in certain cases boast a long, fascinating history, like the most iconic models of the Maison Chanel, for example.
Nevertheless, some of my handbag crushes do not last forever. For this reason, over the years I have also become an expert in buying and selling second hand designer bags. Or pre-loved bags – as I prefer to call them.
The purchase of an authentic second hand designer bag, in fact…
… is an environmentally friendly gesture. It means, in fact, prolonging the life of a luxury object instead of replacing it.
… often allows considerable savings, especially given the increasingly dizzying price increases of some classic and iconic luxury bags
… in many cases, it allows you to spot exactly the model you want, which may not even be found among new bags anymore, in the exact color shade, with the hardware you want and in your favorite leather.
Second hand luxury stores have changed a lot…
In addition, the market for second hand designer bags (and many other luxury accessories) has also evolved a lot in recent years. From the dusty little vintage store around the corner, some luxury second hand boutiques have turned into true fashion paradises, full of beautiful and extremely well-kept designer objects, often even new.
Not only that: the service offered has improved enormously as well, extending to the renovation, care and maintenance of the object, the authentication service (so important considering the many fakes you find on the market today), and the impeccable and fast shipping all over the world.
This ist the case of L’Étoile de Saint Honoré, a second hand luxury store that ships all over the world and boasts an excellent and well-kept collection of second hand designer handbags and other accessories from brands such as Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton and many more.
Over the years, l’Étoile has collaborated with big names like Chiara Ferragni. Which, in the picture above, is wearing an iconic gold Chanel bag by l’Étoile. Simply spectacular, isn’t it?
In fact, another advantage of buying second hand designer handbags from a high level retailer is also the possibility to discover real treasures: limited edition handbags unobtainable on the market, which add the charm of the brand to the exclusivity of an object that only few women own.
So, when the Étoile offered me to collaborate and sent me a little Chanel gift to try their service, I could not refuse!
Here you see some scenes of my unboxing. Below you can also find the complete video of the opening of this wonderful little gift, which arrived from Holland only a few days ago.
L’Étoile ships worldwide. Therefore, I invite you to visit their website and look for the bag of your dreams in the vast choice of second hand designer handbags of this wonderful boutique.
A delicate purple veil, an irresistible bow and confetti raining over my head… the beginning is very promising!
Ah, the emotion of opening a little black package with the iconic logo!
But let’s take off the ribbon and discover the content!
Oooohhh …
My new Chanel wallet and my beloved Jumbo bag: a match made in heaven!
The wallet, arrived in perfect conditions, matches perfectly both my Chanel Jumbo bag and my Chanel Boy bag, being capacious but not overly voluminous.
Where to find wonderful, authentic second hand Chanel, Vuitton, Dior etc. handbags (and other luxury items)
If you too are on the hunt for the designer handbag of your dreams, I recommend you to take a look at the fabulous selection of l’Étoile de Saint Honoré.
Not only: using my personal code, CRISTINA15, you benefit from a 15% discount on every purchase!
For a selection of Chanel bags and accessories, see here.
Here you can find the section dedicated to Louis Vuitton.
But the offer includes many other brands, including Hermès, Givenchy, Dior, Céline and many others.
See also L’Étoile’s beautiful Instagram profile: @etoile_luxury_vintage
[In collaboration with L’Étoile de Saint Honoré]
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