Hello everyone! Let's talk once again about how to dress over 50 and about the main challenges that many of us encounter in dressing every day.
Some time ago, in one of my newsletters, I asked you to indicate what answers you would like to find in my new online course “Affina il tuo stile” (in Italian only) that I was completing, to these issues.
Many of you wrote to me telling me not only about their daily challenges related to fashion and style, but also a lot of stories of your lives. It was a most interesting dialogue, and I would like to thank you so much for your trust!
Three mayor changes
What is interesting is that despite the somewhat different situations of each, the major challenges inevitably fall into three broad categories, which as a 56-year-old I know very well myself!
- More or less significant physical changes that lead us to no longer see ourselves well in certain outfits or garments
- Lifestyle changes, which inevitably also require an adjustment of our wardrobe
- Lack of time, energy, and sometimes budget to devote to our personal style.
Fortunately, there are many things we can do to successfully overcome these over-50 style challenges, and today I would like to talk to you about precisely the most effective strategies. But let's go in order!

1. More or less important physical changes that lead us to no longer see ourselves well in certain outfits or garments
The period following the age of 40-45, and even more so the period following 50, is a phase of life characterized by more or less major changes.
There are those who gain weight, even several pounds, but also those who decide to adopt a radical change in their lifestyle and lose many pounds, but still find themselves with a changed physique compared to when they were a girl.
Other women, perhaps, do not gain much weight, but still see their physique changed, at least in some of its parts.
Often, these changes leave us bewildered: things that used to enhance us now no longer do us justice.
Or, perhaps, there are areas we really want to hide. Still, there are those who maintain beautiful legs or a fabulous cleavage. But when they try to emphasize it, even in a subtle way, they notice that the effect is different than when they were younger.
What to do then?
Free up time and space to devote to yourself
The first thing is certainly to make some space and free up time to devote to a careful analysis of ourselves. This is not always an easy feat, because it is usually a phase of life when we are very busy on various fronts.
Therefore, it is important to make an act of will, tell ourselves that we deserve it, and make room for ourselves!
Analyze yourself in depth
At this point, let's go and analyze ourselves in depth. Maybe we think we know ourselves, that we know, for example, that we have a pear-shaped body.
But the truth is, when we were younger, we paid less attention to these things. Instead, now it is time to study ourselves carefully. We take a closer look at our shapes, our natural colors, our proportions and particularities.
And then, strengthened by this new knowledge, let us put it into practice, adapting our wardrobe to our unique characteristics.
More wardrobe classics that are perfect for every chic woman:
2. Lifestyle changes, which inevitably also require an adjustment of our wardrobe
A second, important area that directly affects the way we dress, sometimes creating some difficulty and need for adaptation, is a change in lifestyle.
After the age of 50, life changes can be manifold: some people stop working outside the home, to set up their own business.
But also those who re-enter the working world after dedicating themselves to motherhood.
Those who, again, start smart working after a corporate career or those who stop completely in favor of a life dedicated to family and also, fortunately, to themselves and their interests and hobbies.
New lifestyle, new wardrobe
Of course, all these often radical changes in the way we live our days also require more or less incisive adjustments in the way we dress.
It is indeed of utmost importance that what we wear every day makes us feel beautiful and stylish, but also and above all comfortable and appropriately dressed to cope with individual activities in the best possible way.

Only if there is harmony between what we like, fits us well and enhances us to the fullest and what is comfortable and functional for the individual activities of our days, in fact, we will be truly elegant, chic and confident.
Make a list of daily, weekly, and occasional activities
Therefore, make a list of our actual activities: daily, weekly, occasional.
Declutter, but the right way
Then, have a good decluttering session, a reasoned reorganization of our wardrobe, mostly based on the list we just made.
However, this is not a sterile decluttering, keep/drop/gift style, but a reasoned reorganization, geared toward what we really need and want to do every day.
So the first step is to get rid of everything we no longer need, freeing up space (including mental space) in our wardrobe and leaving only what we really use, love and appreciate.

An analysis of what really makes us feel good and feel beautiful should also flow into this phase; it is essential, in fact, to harmoniously blend the aspect of style with that of practicality and comfort.
Create a wardrobe that harmonizes style and practicality
In fact, when we have identified the distinctive ingredients of our style, it will be much easier to create an ideal wardrobe that is also perfect for our daily needs.
3. Scarce resources, i.e., lack of time, energy, and sometimes budget to devote to our style
The years following the 50th birthday are often full, busy years in which we women are busy on multiple fronts.
Let's take the time to take care of ourselves
Therefore, it is all the more important to create spaces for ourselves to devote to self-care – and also to our own style and image. Because, as always, what makes us feel good on the outside also spreads on the inside.
Making us feel not only more beautiful, but also stronger, more confident and positive about the future. And these are key aspects to make us face life and its challenges in the right way and with courage.
Learn to manage your economic resources with personal finance
As for the budget aspect, this is often not an obstacle that can be overcome by adopting some extremely effective personal finance systems, such as creating a budget for expenses related to our image and getting into the habit of creating smart shopping lists.

They may seem like futile tools when economic resources are limited, but ANYONE who has really tried to use them has succeeded in freeing up economic resources and learned methods that later proved to be highly effective in other areas of life.
Therefore, in the new “Hone Your Style” course, an important part is also devoted to managing our resources – time, energy and finances – complete with special tools created especially for the course, such as a simple but highly effective budget.
Of course, now that we have freed up resources, let's also go shopping! Here, too, there is a wrong way and a right way to do it. Learning how to create a smart, personalized shopping list will prevent us from many wrong purchases.
And will instead lead us to collect those fabulous, unique pieces that really speak about us and have the ability to make us beautiful and chic.
If you liked this article on how to dress over 50, watch also my video on the same topic and subscribe to my channel (turn on English subtitles):
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