Fashion has always been a pivotal part of our lives and a nonverbal mode of expression that reveals a lot about a person's personality, background, and sense of style. Fashion is both a practical tool and an artistic way of expressing who we are and, sometimes, who we want to be.
Recently, customized hoodies have become more and more popular due to their distinctive appearance and their ease of use. They are a great way to promote brands, enhance your look, and keep you warm. However, customized hoodies have even more advantages.
Clothing options were pretty limited in older times due to the lack of garment workers, but now most clothing is mass-produced using machines and computer technology.
If you wonder what the negative aspects of the fashion industry are, you should know that it has devastating environmental consequences. From chemical pollution to human rights abuses, the fashion industry has a darker side that more people are learning about. But this is where customization comes in and saves the day!
What is Customization?
The best way of opposing fast fashion is through customization. As consumers, we can gradually shape the industry with the clothing choices we make, and a good starting point would be to gravitate towards more long-lasting pieces like customized hoodies.
The word to customize comes from the word customer because the customer is the most important part of the creation process. To customize means to create something according to the customer's preference. When a hoodie is customized, it is made to fit the body and the personality of the person wearing it.
Benefits of Custom Clothing
It is firmly established that the customization trend benefits early adopters of custom manufacturing methods, textile technology businesses, and small fashion labels. In contrast, brands that demand premium rates for generic items may lose market share to competitors that provide personalization.
Any company can benefit from using customization as it enables more efficient customer data collection and more efficient inventory management because of fewer returns and less wasted stock.
Promotes Originality Over Trends
Fashion trends are one of the leading causes of fast fashion because it creates the illusion that the value and quality of an outfit lie with the outfit rather than the person wearing it. A way to go against the mainstream attitude is to create your own clothing. A capsule wardrobe is a great way to discover yourself and shop more responsibly.
The best part is that you can create your own pieces that will make your whole wardrobe much more unique. You can have complete freedom and control during the process, and you can choose any image you want for the sweatshirt's printing.
Quality Over Quantity
Statistics show that over 85% of mass-produced clothing ends up in landfills. There are many causes behind these alarming numbers, one of which is people throwing away clothing items that are no longer fashionable instead of recycling them. In addition to that, fast fashion clothing is usually of a lower quality and can get damaged rather quickly.
Instead of spending money regularly on fragile clothing, consumers should be encouraged to invest in pieces that last longer that are made of more robust materials. One of the reasons for customized hoodies is to provide customers with high-quality garments that will last for years if properly cared for.
Lower Return Rates
In addition to the argument of quality over quantity, it has been reported that a customized hoodie has a lower chance of getting returned. In many cases, around 40% of online clothes orders are returned due to them not meeting customer expectations. In other cases, the consumer bought numerous items in different sizes, intending to return the ones that did not fit.
The reason why customized clothing businesses have a return percentage of only 1% is that they provide customers with precisely what they want when it comes to clothing size and design.
Helps Combat Worker Abuse
Fast fashion has a negative impact on human rights as well because big fashion brands tend to exploit textile workers, often women and children, in third-world countries. Sometimes, these workers are paid below minimum wage and pushed to work long hours in deplorable conditions. Human rights are violated in numerous ways due to these circumstances.
Opting for customized clothes is a way of combating this type of abuse and promoting safe work environments. Custom-made clothing is difficult to mass-produce, so there is a lower chance of worker exploitation. Investing in personalized clothing can advocate against the abuse of garment workers alongside many other organizations.
Quality Over Quantity
The word ‘fast' in fast fashion does not stand only for the frequency of changing trends but also the frequency of which these clothes are made. Considering the high demand, clothing factories focus more on producing more items in a shorter time. Because of that, the clothing is not appropriately inspected, and mistakes like uneven and weak seams might slip through the cracks.
On the other hand, customized clothing, like hoodies, is more carefully manufactured. The key to a high-quality product is the amount of detail put in it, from the most delicate seams to the print or embroidery the customer chooses.
After analyzing the negative impact of fast fashion, we can conclude that as consumers, we have the ability to influence and even shape the future of the industry. Holding big brands accountable and educating ourselves on how we can improve our shopping habits are tiny steps towards reaching a more sustainable fashion industry.
With custom hoodies, we can reinforce the idea that a customized piece is much more valuable and desirable. The amount of work, detail, and commitment that goes into the creation process of custom clothing will assure a unique and long-lasting result.
Custom hoodies and other forms of customized clothing can bring a positive change to the fashion world. It’s time to make yours!
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