Image source: Pexels
If you run a fashion store, making sure that your fashion and product photos stand out on social media is very important. Any other type of content might not be as important as your product photos.
Research has found that a bigger number of customers value product photos more than product information, reviews, and detailed descriptions. These people want to see how a product looks in a well-taken photo before making a purchase.
So, what can you do to ensure that your fashion and product photos stand out on social media? Do you have to be a professional photographer or graphic designer for your photos to beat those of your competitors?
Here are a few tips for you to follow;
Add The Right Background
Whether you are selling fashion products or electronics, adding the right background to your product photos is very important. You can choose different backgrounds depending on the color of your fashion and product photos.
Before adding new backgrounds, you must remove the original one.
Many tools can help you with this task; for example, an AI-driven background eraser for individuals can assist you in removing the original photograph background and give you a clean slate, which makes the process super easy and it allows you to experiment with background colors.
Do not worry about having to design these backgrounds on your own. You can get a downloadable black background that can be added to your fashion products without any problems. This background makes your products stand out.
You, however, need to be careful with the background you choose to use. If, for instance, you have a white fashion product, a black background would look much better compared to other backgrounds. Always make sure that your product details are clear in the background you choose to use.
Float or Hang Products
Most customers expect you to take photos of your fashion and product photos lying on flat surfaces. Even though there is nothing wrong with this, you should not do what everybody else is doing if you want your product photos to stand out.
Instead, you can float your fashion products on a desk or even hang them from the ceiling when taking photos. This will give you unique photos that very few people have. You will also leave your customers impressed with the product photos.
If you do not have a background in photography or graphic design, you can still make this work. There are many online and free photo editing tools that you can use to edit your product photos to make them look like they are floating.
Be Unique When Taking Product Photos
Instead of doing the usual things that everyone else is doing when taking your fashion and product photos, you should instead try to be unique and different from your competitors. You should give your customers a reason to visit your social media accounts or pages.
For instance, spring summer designer bags lying on the bathroom cupboard, sunglasses on the TV stand, a pair of shoes on the grass, and so on. Taking photos of your products in places that seem unusual helps attract more people to your business.
Customers will associate your fashion business with this type of photography. They will see how unique and authentic you are. This translates to the authenticity of your products, something that is vital in increasing sales.
Take Product Photos From Unexpected Angles
This is something that most business people do not do. You do not have to be predictable with your product photos. You can take photos from unexpected angles and have fun while at it. For instance, shoot from below or above the products to see what you can come up with.
Shooting from different angles helps business people who want to show the size of their products. It also helps when eliminating distracting backgrounds. You can even have the same product shot from different angles to ensure that your customers get a view of the entire product easily.
Use Textured Background
We discussed your product backgrounds above and said that you can use colored backgrounds depending on the color of your fashion and product photos. This will make your photos stand out and beat those of your competitors.
However, have you ever thought about using a patterned or textured background instead of just using a plain one? This might include a background that looks like tiles, sand, wood, or even marble. These backgrounds can make your product photos stand out on social media.
Such a background would give your competitors a run for their money. In addition, your target customers would appreciate the beauty not only of your product photos but also of their backgrounds. This can be added using online photo editing tools.
For your store to grow and succeed, you need to ensure that your fashion and product photos stand out from those of your competitors. You can do that by following the tips discussed in this article.
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